Is Big Data the right recipe for Europe?


From the perspective to fulfil the ambition to create a more competitive Europe, Big Data has been described as an important tool. The possibilities to combine large amount of data opens up new opportunities, but it also raises concerns.

The discussion concerns privacy issues. The question is which legislation is needed to prevent that the data goes from being anonymized, to contain enough information to make it possible to identify individuals. However, it also raises questions about Cybersecurity and if the citizens will trust business ability to protect the information.

09.30 – 10.00 Registration and welcome coffee

10.00 – 10.10 Moderator’s opening remarks

10.10 – 12.00 Is Big Data the right recipe for Europe? Which legislation is needed to create possibilities and ensure security?

Possible discussion points:

  • For which sectors can we foresee increased productivity, innovations and competitiveness?
  • Which opportunities will Big Data bring?
  • In which areas would we need harmonized EU laws?
  • How can we prevent that harmonization leads to increased administrative burden for businesses?
  • How do we build a security system and what is needed in terms of data protection legislation?
  • How should we prevent profiling and potential discrimination?
  • How can we secure privacy and prevent that integrated data makes it easier to identify personal information
  • How can we build Smart cities with help from Big Data?
  • How can the health sector gain and what are the risks?
  • Are current marketing rules sufficient in an era with Big Data?
  • How can we expect social media to develop and will current legislation be enough?

Speaker line-up

Timothy Kirkhope Member of the European Parliament, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Maureen K. Ohlhausen Commissioner, US Federal Trade Commission

Hans Graux ICT Lawyer and Founder, time.lex Law Offices

Nick Collier Global Head of Government and Regulatory Affairs, Thomson Reuters

Giuseppe Abbamonte Director, Media & Data Directorate, DG CONNECT, European Commission

Moderator: Ulrich Seldeslachts CEO, LSEC Leaders In Security