QED Conference on 5G: Building the European Digital Society - QED

QED Conference on 5G: Building the European Digital Society


5G, described as a key stone in the digital revolution, calls for a harmonized and standardized spectrum policy. The quality of the telecom infrastructure will be essential for anyone who has an interest in the digital ecosystem. A lot is at stake. The potential is limitless, however failing to become a front runner in 5G may threaten European growth and its future competitiveness in the global arena.

EU policy makers felt the pressure to find a common solution to an issue, which has primarily been on a national level until now. Spectrum is a limited natural resource where “legitimate” national interests have created a fragmented market.

Possible discussion points:

  • What can be expected from the 5G Action Plan? Is it likely to be sufficient?
  • How should we meet the broadband targets of the Digital Agenda for Europe in the future?
  • Without a harmonized spectrum policy in Europe, will it still be possible to have a single market for mobile broadband in the EU?
  • Would the 700 megahertz band be the best way forward for wireless broadband?
  • What is needed in term of a 5G framework for standardizations?
  • Which lessons could be learned from the implementation of 4G?
  • How do we find the balance between easy implemented common policy and necessary harmonization while taking subsidiarity into consideration?
  • According to the study ordered by the European Parliament’s ITRE committee, Europe is investing half what countries like the US and Canada do. At the same time ICT-companies’ revenues have declined within EU28, whilst they have increased in the US. How will this affect competitiveness and growth in the European economy?
  • Which role do patent rules and rules related to venture capital play?
  • Which role can Public Private Partnerships (PPP) play in the development of 5G?

Speakers include:

Michal Boni Member of the European Parliament

Kamila Kloc Deputy Head of Cabinet of Vice-President Andrus Ansip, European Commission

Dr Eric Hardouin Vice-President, Ambient Connectivity Research, Orange

Kumar Singarajah Director, Regulatory Affairs and Business Development, Avanti Communications Group

Sofie Pollin Professor, ESAT – Department of Electrical Engineering, KU Leuven

Moderator: Georg Serentschy Senior Advisor, Squire Patton Boggs

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