Banking Package Review event series: CRR2 & CRD5 - QED

Banking Package Review event series: CRR2 & CRD5


11 April 2018, 14.30 – 16.30, registration and welcome coffee from 14.00

European Banking Federation, Avenue des Arts 56, 1000 Brussels




Possible discussion points


  • Does the RRM package strike the right balance between banks’ resilience and their capacity to finance the real economy?
  • How can we make sure that the measures take the future competitive environment that European banking sector into account?
  • What is the right level of liquidity adequacy in the EU banking system. How can the banks’ liquidity management be taken into account?
  • How can the calibration of the Net Stable Funding Ratio affect the European economy?
  • What are the pros and cons of placing systemic buffers in Pillar 2?
  • Are there interlinkages between the Risk Reduction package and the Non-Performing Loan reduction plan?
  • Are the Single Rulebook and the Banking Union sufficiently recognised in the RRM package?
  • To what extent are the Commission original objectives met with the current state of the RRM package?




Speaker line-up:


Othmar Karas Member of the European Parliament

Martin Merlin Director, Dir D – Regulation and prudential supervision of financial institutions, DG FISMA, European Commission

Pierre Darbre Financial Services AttachŽ, Permanent Representation of France to the EU

JŸrgen Hillen Group Chief Regulatory Compliance Officer, Deutsche Bšrse Group

Gonzalo Gas—s Head of Banking Supervision, European Banking Federation



Huw Jones Regulation Correspondent, Europe, Thomson Reuters


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