10th Annual EU Financial Regulation Conference

Hybrid Conference

12 October 2021 | 14.00 – 17.40 CET


13.30 – 14.00   Registration and welcome coffee

14.00 – 14.05   Opening remarks by Moderator

14.05 – 14.20    Keynote by Alexandra Jour-Schroeder Deputy Director-General, DG FISMA, European Commission

14.20 – 15.50  Session 1: The future of European Financial markets

14.20 – 14.30   Introductory remarks by Philipp Hartmann Deputy Director General – Directorate General Research, ECB

14.30 – 15.50   Panel discussion

15.50 – 16.10   Refreshments & virtual and in-person networking

16.10 – 17.40   Session 2: Digital transformation of EU’s financial services

16.10 – 16.20   Introductory remarks by Eva Kaili Member of the European Parliament

16.20 – 17.40   Panel discussion

SESSION 1: The future of European Financial markets

Discussion points

• How can Europe’s financial markets contribute to post-COVID recovery?

• How can we make market-based finance more accessible to companies and in particular to SMEs?

• How can the national capital markets be integrated into a genuine single market?

• What role can Europe’s capital markets play in achieving sustainable finance and the EU’s climate goals?

• How does having London, Europe’s largest financial centre, outside the EU affect the CMU project?

• How can the global competitiveness of Europe’s capital markets be strengthened?

• How can structural and legal barriers to cross-border capital flows be removed?

• How can we create incentives and remove obstacles for well-informed retail savers to invest?

• How can we move from strong support for CMU in principle to support also in the technical details?

• To what extent has MiFIDII/MiFIR reached its objectives, i.e. fair, transparent, efficient, and integrated markets? What improvements could be made?

• Has MiFIDII/MiFIR created a level playing field between execution venues? Are there any changes to be made?

• Has MiFIDII/MiFIR increased pre-and post-trade transparency? What improvements could be made in this regard?


Philipp Hartmann Deputy Director General – Directorate General Research, ECB

Eve Finn CEO, Legal & General Investment Management Europe Ltd

Guillaume Prache Managing Director, Better Finance

Elisa Menardo Director, Public Policy Europe and UK, Credit Suisse

Jennifer Keser Managing Director, Head of Regulation & Market Structure, Tradeweb

Moderated by Jacki Davis Meade Davis Communications

SESSION 2: Digital transformation of EU’s financial

Discussion points

• How can we ensure that the EU financial services regulatory framework is technology-neutral and innovation-friendly?

• How can we reap the opportunities offered by the EU-wide Single Market for digital financial services both for the industry and for consumers?

• What are the main obstacles to fully reap the opportunities of innovative technologies in the European financial sector?

• How could the use of digital financial identities throughout the EU be facilitated?

• Should EU passporting rights be extended to more areas than today?

• What would be the main benefits and risks of implementing an open finance policy in the EU?

• How can the operational resilience of the financial sector be enhanced?

• How can we promote a well-regulated data-driven financial sector that benefits both EU consumers and firms?


Eva Kaili Member of the European Parliament

Jan Ceyssens Head of Unit B5 – Digital Finance, DG FISMA, European Commission

Dan Morgan Policy Lead Europe, Plaid

Elie Beyrouthy Vice President, European Government Affairs, American Express

Moderated by Jacki Davis Meade Davis Communications

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