Banking union and single resolution mechanism


Possible discussion points:

  • Who should bear the burden of bank resolution? How do we get the taxpayers off the hook?
  • How do we find the right balance between bail-in and the Single Bank Resolution Fund as a loss-absorbing tool?
  • How can we ensure a solid governance of the SRM? How can the roles and responsibilities be clearly defined?
  • How should the Single Resolution Board be designed?
  • How should the centralized bank resolution be organized?
  • What are the preconditions needed before the Single Bank Resolution Fund can start to operate? How soon could it start to operate?
  • What is a plausible scope for the SRM?

Speaker line-up

Kathrin Blanck-Putz Team Leader, Unit 02 – Financial Services Policy, Relations with the Council, DG MARKT European Commission

Peter Brierley Head of Policy, Special Resolution Unit, Bank of England

Juan Manuel Viver Policy Officer, EuroFinUse

Wim Mijs CEO, Dutch Banking Association

Moderator: Jan Strupczewski EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Correspondent, Thomson Reuters