QED Conference on Banking Package Review


13.30 – 14.00  Registration and welcome coffee

14.00 – 14.10  Introduction by moderator

14.10 – 16.00  Session 1: Resolution, TLAC implementation, hierarchy of claims in insolvency

Discussion points

  • Is the integration of TLAC into the existing EU bank resolution regime seamless? Are there any areas of concern?
  • Will there be enough demand for TLAC instruments on the market?
  • Does the current recovery and resolution framework effectively stop the bank-sovereign spiral?
  • Does the current framework leave an appropriate amount of freedom to member states to address specific issues or to alter the timing and approach of intervention?
  • Is the current hierarchy of instruments in case of insolvency comprehensive and clear enough?

16.00 – 16.20  Coffee break

16.20 – 18.20  Session 2: Prudential aspects i.e. liquidity, leverage, trading book, accounting

Discussion points

  • Is the current LR proposal an appropriate backstop measure? Have all the necessary adjustments (e.g. exclusion of some assets) been made or is more to be done?
  • Is the NSFR fit for purpose? Is it risk-sensitive enough? Was the Commission right by adopting some changes to the original Basel standards?
  • How does the review affect capital markets activities in terms of capital requirements? How does it affect the European Commission’s plan for a Capital Market Union?
  • Will the new CRD/CRR provide enough incentives for investments in infrastructure? Is the separate asset class sufficient or should more be done?
  • Does the review take into account the future changes in accounting practices (IFRS9)? Can the Commission ensure a level playing field regardless of the underlying accounting regime?

Speaker line-up

Othmar Karas Member of the European Parliament

Andrei Gurin Policy Officer, Unit E4 – Resolution and crisis management, DG FISMA, European Commission

Sebastijan Hrovatin Policy Officer, Unit D1 – Bank regulation and supervision, DG FISMA, European Commission

Gonzalo Gasós Head of Banking Supervision, European Banking Federation

Richard Warren Managing Director Capital Management, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Thomas Lodder Head of Regulatory Policy, Barclays

Dominique Laboureix Director of Resolution Planning and Decision, SRB

Gérald Niochaut Director, Recovery and Resolution, BPCE

Tobias H. Tröger Professor of Private Law, Trade and Business Law, Jurisprudence, Goethe University Frankfurt, Research Center SAFE

Christian Stiefmueller Senior Policy Analyst, Finance Watch


Steven Hall Partner, Financial Services Risk Consulting, KPMG

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