QED Conference on IoT on the Move - QED

QED Conference on IoT on the Move


The Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy, adopted in May 2015, drives Europe a step further in accelerating developments on the Internet of Things (IoT).

The IoT itself is dramatically boosting the pace of innovation in the transportation, automotive and logistic sectors.

From fleet management to connected cars, from supply chains to urban mobility, the adoption and development of IoT raise a number of challenges to be addressed, such as the data economy (free flow of data, allocation of liability, ownership, interoperability, usability and access) as well as standardisation and cross-border exchange.

Possible discussion points:

  • What are the current legal barriers preventing the development of IoT in Europe?
  • Can the EU propose a coherent framework to help with the large-scale deployment?
  • What are the specific challenges for Machine-to-Machine direct communication (M2M), key to the mobility sector? Do the solutions lie with the EU institutions or with the member states?
  • Where do we stand with the liability issues pertaining to the use of ITS applications?
  • How do we enable a free flow of data while ensuring data protection and privacy? Is there a case for handing personal and non-personal data differently?
  • How do we facilitate cross-border traffic?
  • How do we address safety and security issues?

Speakers include:

Wim van de Camp Member of the European Parliament

Nikolaus von Peter Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Violeta Bulc, European Commission

Niels Haverkorn Vice President Vision 2020, Volvo Construction Equipment

Gerhard Kreß Director, Mobility Data Services, Siemens AG

Paul Febvre Chief Technology Officer, Satellite Applications Catapult

Wilfried Grommen Chief Technologist Public Sector, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Moderator: Xavier Potau Consultant, Technopolis Group

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