QED Conference on Prudential Regime for Investment Firms


Possible discussion points:

  • How can we achieve a more proportionate and less complex prudential regime for investment?
  • How can we design a well-balanced categorization of investment firms?
  • How can we create a proportionate regime that can strengthen the soundness and stability of investment firms as a going concern?
  • How can we make sure the framework is based on appropriate risk sensitivity parameters?
  • How can the specific risks posed by investment firms be targeted?
  • Should capital requirements be calculated based on capital factors (K-factors) as proposed by EBA?
  • Should clearing margins be used for the calibrations?
  • How can the wide variations in nature, scale and complexity of investment firms’ activities be taken into account?

Speaker line-up

Mattias Levin Deputy Head of Unit, Dir D2 – Banks and Financial Conglomerates, DG FISMA, European Commission

Giuseppe Gabriel Cardi Senior Policy Expert, EBA – European Banking Authority

Ted Hart Head of Public Affairs & Policy, Legal & General Group Plc

Piebe Teeboom Secretary General, FIA European Principal Traders Association


Nathalie Dogniez Partner & AWM EMEA Regulatory Lead, PwC

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