QED Conference on the MiFID/MiFIR review: Markets structure & Transparency

Virtual conference

18 November 2020 | 14.00 – 17.10 CET

Virtual networking from 13.30

14.00 – 15.30 Panel 1 – Market structure

•  How has the on-venue, OTC and SI trading volume developed under MiFID II/MiFIR?

•  Has MiFID II/MiFIR levelled the playing field between different categories of execution venues? How can we ensure a level-playing field between trading venues and systematic internalisers?

•  Does the regulatory framework for systematic internalisers need to be revisited? How?

•  Should the minimum quoting size for Sis be increased?

•  How can the price discovery process in equity trading be further improved ?


Markus Ferber Member of the European Parliament (pre-recorded speech)

Marianna Uotinen Counsellor for Financial Services, Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU

Matthijs Geneste Supervisor Capital Markets Infrastructure – Capital Markets International Desk, AFM

Niels Brab Head of Group Regulatory Strategy, Government Relations & Political Affairs, Chief Regulatory Officer, Deutsche Börse Group

Jennifer Keser Director, Head of Regulation & Market Structure, Tradeweb

Claudia Gonzalez Cabanillas Executive Director, Regulatory Affairs, J.P. Morgan


Rebecca Christie Visiting fellow, Bruegel

15.30 – 15.45 Virtual networking

15.45 – 17.10 Panel 2 – Transparency

•  Have the level of pre-trade transparency and the use of waivers changed with MiFID II/MiFIR? Are there any amendments needed?

•  What is the best way to incentivise lit trading

•  Are there any amendments needed to the use of the waivers?

•  What is the impact of the share trading obligation on the transparency of share trading and the competitiveness of EU exchanges and market participants?

•  Has the Double Volume Cap (DVC) been successful in curbing dark trading? Should a different system be considered to limit dark trading?

•  How has the post-trade transparency regime under MiFIDII/MiFIR worked. Are there any amendments needed?


Dr Esther Wandel Head of Financial Services at the Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU

Simon Gallagher Head of Markets, Euronext

Piebe Teeboom Secretary General, FIA European Principal Traders Association

Simona Serio Senior Legal Officer – International Policy Expert, Market Infrastructures Surveillance Office, CONSOB


Rebecca Christie Visiting fellow, Bruegel

17.10  – 18.00 Virtual networking

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