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Financial Services Correspondent Europe, Mlex
Kathryn is a correspondent leading EU financial services coverage for MLex in Brussels. She has previously covered energy, trade, and chemicals regulation as a reporter in Brussels, and has written for Reuters and The Times of London among other outlets.
Policy Officer, Retail Financial services, European Commission
Katarzyna Kobylińska-Hilliard is a Policy Officer in the Retail Financial Services Unit at the European Commission, Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union. Prior to that, she was responsible for corporate governance in financial institutions at the Directorate General Justice and Consumers. Katarzyna also has experience in the private sector working on retail financial services and prudential supervision of banks, as well as in a consumer advocacy organisation.
Head of Government Affairs & Public Policy Europe, Mastercard
Mikael Conny Svensson is a Swedish national, with degrees in political science, international relations and EU policy and law from Universities in Sweden, France, Belgium and South Africa. Since his graduation from University Mr. Svensson has held different positions in the field of public policy, public affairs and government relations, mainly in Brussels but also in the Member States. Mr. Svensson has more than twenty years of experience in working with the development of European policy in such different policy areas as trade and environment, food and nutrition and financial services in the technology sector. Mr. Svensson joined Mastercard in 2008 and has since build up a public policy and government relations function from scratch.
Head of EU Public Policy, TrueLayer
Andrei leads EU government affairs and public policy for TrueLayer. Before that, he worked in government relations for the US Chamber of Commerce affiliate in London, focusing on UK-US financial regulatory dialogues, data protection, and cross-border data transfers. He also spent time in Brussels working in public affairs.
Financial Services Officer, BEUC
Anna Martin is Financial Services Officer at BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation. She is in charge of retail banking, working among other files on the review of the Payment Service Directive 2, Instant Payments and the digital euro. Before joining BEUC, she worked for the German Foreign Office in the team coordinating the German EU Council Presidency. Anna holds a Master in European Affairs from the College of Europe, Sciences Po Lille and the University of Münster.
Senior Policy Adviser on Payments and Innovation, European Banking Federation
Anni Mykkänen is Senior Policy Adviser on Payments and Innovation at the European Banking Federation. In her role she leads the EBF’s work on all payment-related matters and is responsible for formulating policy responses, engaging with policymakers and other stakeholders and representing the EBF in different payments-related industry and stakeholder bodies. Previous to EBF, Anni was heading EU affairs at the European Association of Corporate Treasurers, covering a wide range of financial regulation topics. Prior to that, she worked at the European Payments Council and the Bank of New York Mellon. She holds a Master’s degree in political science from Université Libre de Bruxelles.
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