QED Debates For European Affairs | Events For EU Policy Makers

Our events

QED Debates For European Affairs

Our events

QED Debates For European Affairs

We believe that through discussion and debate, we create a better understanding, which results in better policy making.​

Our QED debates are own-initiated events that are forums for dialogue between EU policy makers, regulators, NGOs, and companies. By inviting representatives from all sides of the discussion, we ensure that the discussion is balanced and focused on the relevant issues at hand.

Promoting European Dialogue

QED is an acronym for the Latin phrase Quod Erat Demonstrandum, which means what was to be demonstrated. We firmly believe that by creating meetings and events, we are enabling easier dialogue, connection, and conversation. Through this we can create a better understanding, which leads to better policy making.

Upcoming Debates

Where QED debates are concerned, we are both the initiator and the organiser. We act as a provider of a neutral conference platform, identifying important legislative proposals and ensuring a balanced debate focused on the issues at hand.

14 January 2025

QED debate on Securitisation

Upcoming Event

3 June 2022

QED Roundtable with the Czech Republic presidency

This event is for QED members or by invitation only. Registration online not possible.

Previous speakers

Past event


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